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Revenue by source

Of all the Federal Scientific Institutes, BIRA-IASB has the highest proportion of its budget coming from external competitive projects (63%). These are projects funded by organisations such as:

  • ESA
  • the European Commission
  • (to a lesser extent) national research funds

With a contribution of 42% and 28% of external project funding respectively, ESA and PRODEX (ESA) are the most important sources of income for the institute, followed by the EU funding (essentially H2020) with 19%.

Ongoing projects by source of funding
  2018 2019 2020
ESA 27 28 32
FNRS & FWO 4 4


PRODEX 11 9 11
Commercial income      
Federal subvention 21 22 16
EU 13 7 10
Eumetsat 2 2 2
ECMWF 6 6 5

Since 2018, the personnel envelope is part of the overall dotation.



Revenue by source in procent


Revenue by source in procent


Revenue by source in procent


All statistics in this activity report are calculated on 31 December of the year concerned.