
Complaints logoThe Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB) attaches great importance to the quality of its services and is committed to continuous improvement.

Should you nevertheless have comments or complaints, you can report them to BIRA-IASB's complaints coordinator. The complaints coordinator will handle your complaint with the utmost care and propose an appropriate solution. He or she will also do everything in his/her power to prevent similar complaints in the future and to improve the functioning of BIRA-IASB.

Please note: this complaints procedure does not in any way replace the legally determined appeal procedures.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is defined as 'a manifest, clearly defined expression of dissatisfaction by a citizen addressed to BIRA-IASB about the functioning of this public institution in all its parts'.

What does this mean in concrete terms?

The dissatisfaction of a citizen may at some point become so great that it leads to the formulation and filing of a complaint.  A complaint may relate to many things: the incorrect or non-execution of an act or performance, the deviation from the established or customary working method. The act or service relates to the way in which an official has acted, a deadline or decision that was not respected.
The complaint must therefore concern a matter for which BIRA-IASB is competent.

A request for information, a notification, a suggestion, protests or objections concerning the conducted or planned policy are not covered by this complaint procedure. For these, please use our contact form.

How to file a complaint?

It goes without saying that must be able to substantiate your complaint and demonstrate your personal interest. In order for the complaint to be properly processed, it is always necessary to mention your name and e-mail address or telephone number. Your complaint will be handled with the necessary discretion.

A complaint can be filed in 3 ways:

Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB)
Complaints coordinator
Avenue Circulaire 3
B-1180 Brussels

Complaints that are anonymous, insulting or that do not concern our government institution will not be followed up.  

Admissibility of a complaint

A complaint must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the facts occurring, otherwise it will not be dealt with.

Complaints relating to the following circumstances are not possible and will therefore not be dealt with:

  1. Discomfort caused by other visitors including but not limited to noise, inappropriate behaviour, theft and assault;
  2. Discomfort caused by maintenance work, including but not limited to a renovation.
  3. Complaints relating to facts that by law or contract can only be the subject of legal or arbitration proceedings.

How will the complaint be handled?

After registration of your complaint and examination of its admissibility by the complaints coordinator, you will receive a confirmation of the receipt of your complaint.

Your complaint will be forwarded to the competent services and persons who will investigate your complaint as to its content. BIRA-IASB tries to answer complaints within 30 calendar days after receipt. You will receive a motivated answer by mail or by letter.

Still no solution?

If our complaints department was unable to help you or if you feel that you did not get the help you expected, you are welcome to contact the Federal Ombudsman. The Federal Ombudsman is completely independent, does not form part of any federal administration and will examine your complaint free of charge and impartially.

Consult our leaflet "Complaints about our services?"