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Digitization of historical scientific heritage

Research Topic Chapter
News flash intro
The documentation centre is engaged in digitizing the Institute’s publications and making them accessible to the public via ORFEO, the Federal Open Access Repository. The Aeronomica Acta, a periodical formerly published by the Institute, was completely digitized. This unique collection consists of more than 400 publications, representing pioneering scientific research. ORFEO currently holds all BIRA-IASB publications, preserving and ensuring continuous access to more than 3100 publications from 1959 onwards. By participating in DIGIT-04, BIRA-IASB will expand the current project to photographs, negatives, and film.
Body text

The documentation center is engaged in digitizing the institute's historical publications and making them accessible to the public via ORFEO, the Federal Open Access Repository.

The Aeronomica Acta, a periodical formerly published by the institute, was completely digitized. This unique collection consists of more than 400 publications, representing pioneering scientific research.

As a result of the digitization project, ORFEO currently holds all BIRA-IASB publications, preserving and ensuring continuous access to more than 3100 publications from 1959 onwards.

By participating in DIGIT-04, the federal digitization program (2019-2024), BIRA-IASB will expand the current project, including the digitization of photographs, negatives and film.

Figure 2 caption (legend)
Background image credit - The Open University.
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