One of the main tasks of BIRA-IASB’s Documentation Center is to ensure that the institute’s scientists have prompt access to publications supporting ongoing research. This is maintained through the acquisition of licenses with academic publishers and through book and article purchases.
On the other hand, the Documentation Center is responsible for the dissemination of the institute’s research by archiving the scientists’ publications in the federal institutional Open Access (OA) repository Orfeo. Research data created by BIRA-IASB are provided with digital object identifiers and propagated in the institute’s Data Repository, thus supporting the Open Data principles.
The increasing number of OA peer-reviewed publications, reaching 65% in 2020, also reflects BIRA-IASB’s engagement in Open Science.
All statistics in this activity report are calculated on 31 December of the year concerned and are based on staff numbers, not on FTE’s (full time equivalents).