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We can state that the structural government funding consisting of dotation and Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE) represents about 1/3rd of our budget, with ESA funding another third. The remaining 1/3rd of the budget consists of about half from PRODEX funding, and half from various national and European R&D projects funding. Apart from some annual variations, this partitioning remains rather stable throughout the years.

Share of funding sources (average for 2019-2022)
Share of funding sources (average for 2019-2022)


It is obvious that the ESA funding has increased over the last years, thanks to our involvement in many space missions.

On the contrary, the PRODEX funding serving with highest priority space hardware and space-related scientific developments has decreased, by which chances for getting involved in future space missions decreases. Throughout the last years, BIRA-IASB has also been more successful in having national research projects granted.