Gender distribution in the workplace

In 2020, 30% of the institute's staff are women (=49 persons). 70% (=112 persons) are male. This overall male-female ratio at BIRA-IASB hardly changed over the last decade.

  • STEM scientists are still predominantly men. Only 28% (=29 persons) of the scientists is female, while 72% (=75 persons) are male.
  • Among IT people we count 2 women (=12%) and 15 men (=88%).
  • 32% (=7 persons) of the engineering and technical staff is female, while 68% (15 persons) are male.
    It should be noted that 4 out of the 7 female persons in the latter group are cleaning ladies, who should not be counted in the category of STEM jobs.
  • On the other hand, women make up the majority (61% = 11 persons) in the administration, with 7 men (39%) on their side.


All statistics in this activity report are calculated on 31 December of the year concerned and are based on staff numbers, not on FTE’s (full time equivalents).