The Open Science movement is rapidly changing the landscape of research data management and scientific journal publications, an important outcome of the institute's activities. The H2020 Open Research Data Pilot, the FAIR Data Actions Plan, and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) are merely a few recent initiatives that emphasize the necessity to meet the evolving requirements for institutional repositories. BIRA-IASB’s documentation centre remains committed to meeting the standards set by policymakers and funding agencies, and it maintains the institutional Research Data Repository ( and publication repository ( accordingly.

Annual report publication year


Open-Access Repositories and the Open Science Challenge

Body text

The Open Science movement is rapidly changing the landscape of research data management and scientific dissemination.

The H2020 Open Research Data Pilot, the FAIR Data Actions Plan and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), are merely a few recent initiatives that emphasize the necessity to meet the evolving requirements for institutional repositories.

To conform to these guidelines the institutional Research Data Repository underwent a wide range of changes, e.g. doi assignment, licensing definition and metadata enrichment.

ORFEO, BIRA-IASB’s publication repository was fitted with new features and search engine indexed. The documentation center remains committed to meet the demanded standards set by policymakers and funding agencies.