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Workforce, share of contractuals

Below you can see that in 2020 the share of contractual employees among scientists (72%) is much higher than in support services (47% in IT, 61% persons in administration and 64% in engineering/technical staff). This is due to the fact that many scientists are paid on externally funded projects.


Percentage of contractual staff by category

To put these percentages in perspective, for the year 2020 they correspond to 75/104 scientists (72%), 8/17 IT persons (47%), 11/18 persons in administration (61%) and 14/22 persons in engineering/technical staff (64%).

Historical insights:

  • The share of contractual scientists is steadily increasing, together with the growth of the total number of scientists (the effective number of statutory scientists has remained unchanged over the past 4 years)

  • The proportion of contractuals in administration has decreased by 7.6% over the past 4 years. This is purely due to 2 statutory staff members who were added to the team.

  • The share of engineers and technical staff increased by 5.3% between 2018 and 2020. This is mainly due to the departure of 2 statutory staff members who were not replaced


All statistics in this activity report are calculated on 31 December of the year concerned and are based on staff numbers, not on FTE’s (full time equivalents).